Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust (R)

Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust is conducting various charitable activities such as..

  • Infrastructure Development in rural areas.
  • Scholarship for encouragment of sculpture skill development.
  • Annual Mass feeding during Navaratri & Rathotsava event.
  • Annual contribution to Sri Shankara Cancer Foundation & Jayadeva Hospital.
  • Encouragment for Rural Sports development.

Sri Chowdeshwari Temple Trust (R)

Sri Chowdeshwari Temple Trust is conducting various religious & charitable activities such as...

  • Encouragment for temple construction at Rural Areas of Karnataka.
  • Encouragment for temple renovation at Rural Areas of Karnataka.
  • More than 15* lakhs Sarees has been distributed at remote places accross India irrespective of caste & creed.

History of Sri Chowdeshwari Devi

Ever since the creation of the universe, there has been a continues conflict between the good and the evil forces. Whenever the evil elements grew stronger and became harmful to the society, the all pervading power manifested itself on earth in one form or the other and protected the good and the saintly and saved Dharma. This has happened in Krutha, Tretha and Dwapara yugas.

It was Sri Rama in Ramayana and Sri Krishna in Mahabharatha who were the guiding forces for the welfare of the world. But the moving spirit behind them was Sita and Draupadi. Even before them, did not Mahasati Anasuya convert Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara into babies and satisfy them by breast-feeding? This could mean that Stree Shakti is more powerful than Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara. The same Stree Shakti is called Jaganmatha (mother of the whole universe), Jagadrakshaki (the saviour of the whole world), Jagadeeswari (the empress of the universe). In order to protect the world she took countless forms. She is being worshipped and adored as Kali, Durga, Chandi, Chamundi, etc., at various holy places in India. Mathikere, Near H.M.T. Layout, in the heart of City, Karnataka, is one such abode. Here the holy Mother is worshipped as Sri Chowdeshwari.

  • Brahmins & King of Nandavara

    We all know that king Bhagiratha brought holy Ganga from heaven to earth to see that his forefathers the sons of Sagara Chakravarthi get moksha. The same holy Ganga is still flowing in our country purifying the sinners. Hundreds of years ago, it is said, that there was a kingdom called Nandavara on the banks of the river Tunga in Karnataka near Raichur district. According to a legend the king of Nandavara was a Shakti Upasaka. With the help of Mantra Shakti, the king used to wake up at 4 'O' Clock in the morning, reach Kasi, bathe, in the holy Ganga and return to his Kingdom before dawn and offer worship to Devi at Nandavara. This was his daily practice. Maharani becoming suspicious of his absence and questioned the king. The king revealed everything in detail. She having made up her mind to test the king compelled him to take her also with him. The king reluctantly accepted. The next day, he took her to Kasi along with him. Rani had her monthly course (menses) during their stay at Kasi. This affected the king and he lost his Mantra Shakti. As he was unable to return to his kingdom as usual, the King became restless and worried.

    While walking along the banks of Ganga being unable to find a solution, he saw a group of Brahmins performing Chandi Homa and went near them. The Brahmins, having learnt the reasons for his restlessness promised to pass on to the king one fourth of what they had acquired as punya by offering Arghya to Lord Surya every day at the appropriate time which would purify Rani and enable them to return to their kingdom. They asked the king what he would give them in return for their help. The king promised to give Jahagirs to them for purposes of their performing Dharmic deeds whenever they approached him. Thus the king got the power from the Brahmins and returned to his kingdom. He did never again make use of Manthra Shakti.

    Years rolled on. There came a terrible famine in Kasi. The Brahmins having remembered the king's promise went to Nandavara and met him. They reminded him of his promise. The king had totally forgotten his promise. He abused the Brahmins and incurred their displeasure. From that day onwards all the efforts of the king started yielding negative results. The Brahmins worshipped Sri Chowdeshwari and requested her to come down to Nandavara as the lonely witness for the king's promise. Devi did as they desired. The king realised his mistake. He apologized to Devi and Brahmins.

    The dynasty of Brahmins thus settled at Nandavara came to be known as Nandavariks and Chowdeshwari became their Kuladevatha, she is also the family deity of Togataveeras. There still exists a beautiful temple of Chowdeshwari at Nandavara on the banks of Tungabadra and she is being worshipped on all the days of the year.

  • Dashavantharaya - Paleyagar of Tiptur

    About 300 years ago, there lived a paleyagar called Dashavantharaya near Tiptur. He desired to extend his kingdom. Having come to know of the powers of Sri Chowdeshwari, he went to Nandavara and prayed and worshipped her sincerely with all devotion. Devi appeared before him and asked what he wanted. The paleyagar revealed his desire. He requested her to follow him as a protector during all his expeditions. Devi agreed on the condition that she would stay permanently at a place of her choice. Paleyagar continued his expeditions and conquered kingdom after kingdom. While marching in this way, Devi came across a plain land surrounded by beautiful dales and mountains with lush green patches of forestland. Devi decided to stay there and informed the Paleyagar accordingly. This place came to be known as the town of Dashavantharaya. The same Dashavantharaya town is now called Dasarighatta. Devi is installed here on an anthill. The unusually long vertical wild date tree (eechalu) in front of the temple is a special feature here. A Samivruksha too has added significant beauty to the temple.

At Mathikere in Bengaluru, the notable feature here is that Devi converses with here devotees through writing and guides them to get out of their troubles. She writes on the slate to answer all the questions of the devotees. She thus gives them relief from all the problems. Miracles have happened by her grace to thousands of people. Her temple constructed at Mathikere, H.M.T. Layout, Bengaluru in less than five months is one such standing testimony.

Every day hundreds & thousands of devotees visit Mathikere and offer worship. Not only people of Karnataka but also from other parts of India and Abroad, irrespective of caste and creed to obtained the blessings of Devi, And have come under her protective umbrella. Calling herself as 'Sevakara Sevaki' (Servant of Devotees) this kindly Goddess is offering all boons and fulfilling the desires of thousands of devotees who have surrendered to her. Sri Chowdeshwari Devi has been showering blessings on her devotees at all times and more so when they encounter with specific problems and seek her guidance for rightful solutions. All works and the temple management are going on according to her directions, suggestions and guidance. The divine mother is receiving with open arms all those who are coming in search of her help and blessings. This is really a rare divine opportunity open to the public to grace her blessings.

About Us

Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust (R) was formed in 13th November 1992 and as wise Sri Chowdeshwari Temple Trust (R), its Registered Office is located in Mathikere, Bengaluru.

Annual grand celebration conducted by the temple..

  • Navaratri Puja
  • Rathotsava & Varshikotsav
  • The Trust will only charge for the "Navaratri Seva" during Navaratri festival.
  • Temple will perform special puja & alankar during impotant hindu festivals.

Under auspicious guidance of Sri Chowdeshwari Matha, where she has directed to give importance to the Bhakti were she herself called "Sevaraka Sevaki".
Following the guidance even today the trust is not charging anything for pooja & seva's offered by the devotees. The objectives of both the trusts is fullfilled by the voluntary contribution of devotees & through the amount accumulated by Hundi.

Major Milestones of Sri Chowdeshwari Temple

Seva & puja

The temple authority will not charge anything for seva & puja performed ("Apart from yearly Navaratri seva").
Devotees willing to offer the below mentioned seva are requested to register in advance with the temple management & devotee will be requested to bring the item suggested by priest for the seva / puja.
All the below mentioned seva / puja registrations is subjected to trusts approval.

Daily Seva & Puja

  • Saree Alankara - Only 1 registration per day.
  • Abhishek Seva - Max 15 registration per day.
  • Tulabhara Seva - Max 25 registration per day.
  • Uyyala Seva - Only 1 registration per day.
  • Prakara Uthsava Puja - Max 3 registration per day.
  • Shashvatha Puja.
  • Navaghara Puja.
  • Rahukala Puja (weekly Tuesday & Friday).
  • Uthsava Murthy Puja - Devotees need to book in advance for taking Uthsava murthy to their place, Max 1 family per day.

Monthly Seva & Puja

  • Shasti puja - 6th day after Amavasya (dark Moon day)

  • Satyanarayan puja - Pournami (Full Moon day)

  • Sankashta chaturthi puja - 4th day after Pournami (Full Moon day)

Yearly Seva & Puja

  • Navaratri puja - 9 days of special Alankara & other cultural activities.

  • Rathotsava & Varshikotsav - Temple Anniversary celebration which will usually take place during Q1 of every year.

Special Alankara

  • Arisina Kumkuma Alankara
  • Villedale Alankara (Betel Leaf)
  • Benne Alankara (Butter)
  • Ardha Narishwar Alankara
  • Muttina Alankara (Pearl)
  • Hathi Alankara (Cotton)

Any other Alankara governed by the Temple rules, Temple authority will not charge anything for Alankara & devotee has to bring the items suggested by priest for Alankara (except priest kanike 500/-).


Sri. Anantharaman

Founder | Dharmadhikari | Managing Trustee

Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust & Sri Chowdeshwari Temple Trust.

Sri Chowdeshwari Temple, Mathikere was inaugurated on 20th January 1988 & Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust / Sri Chowdeshwari Temple Trust was formed under the guidance of Sri matha by Anantharaman.

Smt R. Lakshmi

Life Trustee

Life Trustee for Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust & Temple Trust.

A. Nagendra Prasad

Life Trustee

Life Trustee for Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust & Temple Trust.

A. Pradeep Kumar

Life Trustee

Life Trustee for Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust & Temple Trust.

Co-opted Trustees

K. V Narasimhan

Co-opted Trustee

Legal advisor / Co-opted trustee for Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust & Temple Trust.

B. K. Lakshman

Co-opted Trustee

Architect / Co-opted trustee for Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust & Temple Trust.

M. Krishnanand

Co-opted Trustee

Co-opted trustee for Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust.

S. R. Ravishankar

Co-opted Trustee

Co-opted trustee for Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Temple Trust.


Donation (Kanike) can be sent to Sri Chowdeshwari Temple through Cheque/Demand Draft (D.D.)/Money Order (M.O.) & Online transfers in favour of Sri Chowdeshwari Temple Trust (R) or Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust (R), Mathikere, Bengaluru - 560054.
Only contribution made towards "Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust (R)" will be exempted from IT under section 80G.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Temple Timing
    Day Morning Evening
    Sunday 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM 3:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    Monday 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    Tuesday 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM 2:45 PM - 9:00 PM
    Wednesday 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    Thursday 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    Friday 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM
    Saturday 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • No!, temple authority will not charge anything for seva & puja performed ("Apart from Annual Navaratri seva").

  • Devotee has to submit a letter (addressing : "Managing Trustee & Sri Chowdeshwari Temple Trust") with the subject of "requesting to take uthsava murthy" & submit it to temple office. This Registration / Booking will be subjected to approval by Managing Trustee & conformation letter will be acknowledged with terms & conditions.

  • Only contribution made towards "Sri Chowdeshwari Charitable Trust (R)" will be exempted from income tax under section 80G. Devotee are requested to collect the receipt for the dontaion made from office.